Five billionaires who gained most wealth in 2024
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.
At the moment China is building the first floating nuclear power plant. The place where exactly this FNNP will be constructed is confidential, however it's known that the plant will be put into service in 2019. The project cost comes out in $461 million.
By now 36 dangerous production reactors function in China, which are installed in 14 nuclear power plants.
After the disaster at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant nuclear reactors are noticeable especially cautiously. Today many people bring Taiwan to task for exploitation of dangerous nuclear assets. The seismic activity in the region is extremely high, so the presence of such installations is an undue risk.
In spite of the disaster at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant a great number of nuclear power plants are still functional in Japan. All plant units of the sadly remembered Japanese NNP were closed, nevertheless the state government achieved the opening of new analogue plants paying no regard to discontent of the citizens.
South Korea is one more country with a great number of nuclear power plants. In 2015 one third of the whole generation of electric power in the state accrues to atomic engineering. The government of the country doesn't intend to rest on its laurels, South Korea plans to open new NNP.
The USA also advocates the use of nuclear energy. It's known that after Japanese nuclear disaster the Americans have reviewed the security situation, but did not make a decision to close down its nuclear power plants. In total about 100 reactors are functional in the state. Some of them are located in the zone of high seismic hazard.
Pakistan's nuclear ambitions are rather limited if compared with other countries of this list, but the state government intends to develop the use of nuclear energy. In Pakistan earthquakes often occur, in addition there is a risk of tsunami in some regions, so NNP of the country can be considered hazardous.
At the moment 22 production reactors operate in India. In years ahead five new reactors must appear in the state. It's worthy of note that several nuclear power plants have been constructed in the regions where earthquakesrather often occur.
This year the first unit of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant has been put into service in Iran. The government has assured that the new plant is absolutely safety in comparison with Fukushima NPP, the age of which is 40 years. However the nature can give unexpected surprises to the Iranian authorities - only in 2013 there were two earthquakes near Bushehr.
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.